Land lines and mobile telephone numbers have different structures: land lines use area codes, while mobile phones do not. Land line phone numbers in major cities have 8 digits after the two digit area code, whereas in other areas no less than 7 digits after a three digit area code. Mobile phone numbers have 11 digits without area codes.
800 Numbers - Toll Free
Calling an 800 number is free of charge to an end user inside mainland china.800 numbers are commonly called "800 免费电话". The official name is "被叫集中付费业务" (called party collect paid service), which means the cost of the call is borne not by the caller but by the party receiving the call.
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800 Numbers - Toll Free
Calling an 800 number is free of charge to an end user inside mainland china.
800 numbers are commonly called "800 免费电话". The official name is "被叫集中付费业务" (called party collect paid service), which means the cost of the call is borne not by the caller but by the party receiving the call.
800 numbers in China are ten-digit numbers beginning with "800". There is no prefix before "800".
800 numbers are not accessible to mobile network subscribers, foreign networks (dialed calls) and are only accessible to land lines.
800 numbers do have a “value” in that they are often associated with big business, government etc
400 Numbers - Split Pay
400 service is called "主被叫分摊付费业务" (calling party and called party split-paid service), which means the calling party pays for the local access fee and the called party pays the toll (long distance) fee. These are ten-digit numbers beginning with "400".
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400 Numbers - Split Pay
400 service is called "主被叫分摊付费业务" (calling party and called party split-paid service), which means the calling party pays for the local access fee and the called party pays the toll (long distance) fee. These are ten-digit numbers beginning with "400".
400 numbers can be accessed by all fixed-line and mobile phones.
400 shared-cost numbers with suffix codes 0, 1,6, 7, 8 or 9. .. i.e. "4000", "4006", "4007”, "4008” or “4009” are shared cost numbers which caller and called party both bear calling fee.
These are not completely toll free like other countries, as the originating caller will have to bear local access charges from their service providers.
Number portability / Diversity in ne...
There presently is no LNP (local number portability) inside of china. Changing phone companies will result in a change of number. This is true regardless of the end-user type. As such, end users inside of China are more accustom to these kinds of “number swaps” than countries which have LNP
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Number portability / Diversity in network
There presently is no LNP (local number portability) inside of china. Changing phone companies will result in a change of number. This is true regardless of the end-user type. As such, end users inside of China are more accustom to these kinds of “number swaps” than countries which have LNP . Furthermore, they will frequently dial from smartphone apps or click-to-call functions vs direct.
Directly calling from one region (what is referred to as an “area code”) will incure extra charges to the dialing party vs a local number. Calling an 800 number is free of charge to the end user, and lastly Calling a 400 number incurs only a local access charge while the ‘long distance’ leg is paid for by the owner of the number.
Unlike other countries though, 800 numbers are accessible only to land-line subscribers
400/800 china numbers have inherent diversity that allow re-routing between major nodes due to failure. This isn’t real time active redundancy but it does allow a failing node or interaction to be bypassed should that situation arise. This happens transparent to the user. Calls in progress may fail if the interconnection doesn’t have redundancy, but in this situation new calls will take alternative paths. Existing calls already on diverse paths will not be affected.
When making a domestic long distance call from a land line phone, the trunk prefix "0" must be dialed first, followed by the area code and the telephone number. Calling a mobile phone from a land line requires the addition of the "0" in front of the mobile phone number if they are not in the same area as well. Mobile to land line calls require the "0" and the area code, if the land line is not within the same area. Mobile to mobile calls do not require the "0". The "0" is never needed when dialing from outside mainland China.
The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are not part of this numbering plan, and use the country codes +852 and +853, respectively.